Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Day 2

Today we started off by reading take a closer look by Tom Brown Jr. The reading was basically how Tom Brown Jr started his nature writing career.

Then we walked all the way to Delco Park which was about four to five miles. The main point of this was for to be able to start our Nature writing skills which Scott Giesel taught us yesterday.

Today we focused on observation for the most part. When we arrived at Delco Park, we found our guest speaker there and he talked about how to write a haiku. His name was Rob E. Boley.

He started by talking about how writing haikus is really fun and how you like it once you start it. He then continued on explaining how long they are supposed to be and the contrasts between sentences.

He gave us an exercise where we had to pick three words from a magazine article and make a haiku from them. Mine was:
Money: Is an element of life

Elements: Of art

Climate: Changing over time.

I understand that it's not the best, but that was my first try and maybe I'll do better next time. Then he challenged us to do one that was a sentence dialogue.

We had to pick a sentence and do the same thing but as a dialogue. My sentence was really long which made me not finish it. Here is an example.

Such disturbed forests are often promoted by timber interests as vigorous and healthy, whereas mature forests are commonly perceived as unhealthy, wasteful and mismanaged resources.

Such; People are the ones struggling right now

Disturbed: By nature and such

Forests: Are the most amazing things in the whole world

Are: Also helpful to the environment

Often: Used for timber and fresh air.

Again, this isn't great but the more I do this, the better I get. We also had time to take a group picture.

Group picture 

After the guest speaker, we then started doing our observations.

Everybody went on their own to find their own observations. I went along with my friend Quan and we tried to find as many observations that we found.

We had a guideline that guided through how we were supposed to find observations. Here are some of the  Pictures that we observed.

Some cool flowers that we found

This is a dragon fly

When we came back from Delco Park, we played a game called Hershey kiss. Our teacher provided chocolate and we had to describe it's sound, sight, smell, taste and touch. Through the description we were able to make a Hershey kiss. Those were all the amazing things that we did yesterday.

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