Monday, June 8, 2015

Day 10

Today we had an assignment. It was to write a story after reading white foot. It was about a rat that tries to survive by itself. Its name was Whitefoot, named because her feet and all  the underside of her were pure, clean white. The we had to write ours with our choice of creature. Mine is about a snake. Here it is:

His name was Yellowish. He was very calm and not so playful. He could make you people cry by just staring at them. Mainly because of his beautiful, shiny eyes like a smile. He has a very long story. So many people ask about it just because of how cute he is. He got his name from having a soft yellow-brown belly. He had a young, soft skin like a brand new silk. He had a long tongue like a forked night.

He was born in 1997, some place called Nyanza. He moved around like God. His mother left him when he was so young, but that never kept him from being who he became. He learned to survive by himself all the way through. He greatly knew how to prevent himself from his enemies. He never knew who he was, but knew what to do on the right time. He never gave up on anything. He was strong and courageous.

He was brave, not until his last days of living. He was very good at hunting and camouflage.  One day, this grumpy, ugly looking animal appeared from nowhere. As it got closer, he said, “Oh no, this is too big for me.” Yellowish was very small at this time. His first thought was to run away. “Where to?” he was confused for a second. At this time he decided to run away. But the ugly animal never gave up on following him. Luckily he found his hole and slid in a fast as he could.
“What a mistake” when he got in the hole, he actually found a larger animal. Being not too big but small saved his life. 

There was a really narrow hole in his hole. He went through it. His life was in danger at this time. He was brave, but not for long. The minute he stuck his head out of the small snake, there was a big eagle awaiting for a snack. “Wow, this is the end of my life.” With external naris on both sides of its beak. The eagle seemed as hungry as a wolf. He tried to get out of the hole, but couldn’t. The eagle came down flying, flipping its wings with its fast speed aiming right for him. He had no choice, but say his last words.

“I will miss everything.” He said. The eagle picked him up with its long beak. Again, he tried and tried and tried, but couldn’t get out. Hanging in the air from the eagle’s mouth. His life was finished. This was his last minute. He never had any other hopes that he could survive this. There was no way of escaping this. He had been brave, strong, cute, beautiful, but he finally disappeared in the eagle’s tommy. Yellowish e taught me something. Life is not forever.

He was amazing, but his breath ended. No matter how good you are in what you do, how beautiful, cute, amazing, there is always an ending. He had never given up, someone can understand how he died. He was stuck. But even though he died, he will always be remembered. For his bravely, and courage. Yellowish was outstanding. He lived a hard life, complicated, but he out of it. Again life isn’t forever. He finished his time of surviving. He will never end. Yellowish will always be there.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Day 8

Today we went up to Bellbrook for canoeing experience. This was my first time canoeing so it was pretty cool. While we were there, I saw so many things such: Water snakes, frogs, logs, spiders, mosquitoes, beavers, trees and more. It was a really good day for canoeing because there wasn't any rain and too much wind. It was a bit sunny and breezy. It was two people in each canoe, one in the back and the other in the front. Each person had their own paddle which kept the canoe very stable. But before that we had read a prairie written by Emily Dickinson. Then we were challenged to make one. Here you will be able to see mine that I wrote.
Us in the bus going for canoeing 

Take a dozen of clouds
And a cup of sun
Take a million rocks
As many sunlight, too
Take a bunch of geese
Without waves in the water
Beavers swimming with leaves in their mouth
Dancing of the trees
Which brings a little breeze
Take a few snakes
With mosquitoes and spiders
Without forgetting logs, and butterflies
And canoe boats with paddles.
Mix them together
Very well and slowly
Then guess what you'll see
The Little Miami River

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Day 7

Today we stayed in the class room. We didn't have the chance to go out and explore nature today. I guess it's because we've been doing it for many days. But even though we never went outdoors, we learned about vignettes in class today. A graduating senior from my school came in and explained what a vignette was and how to write them. She gave us an example of of a vignette so that we could practice on our own. After that we had to do a practice vignette given a certain picture. Then after the practice we did our own vignettes using one of our pictures that we had taken from the past trips where we went to the Cox Arboretum.

Here is what I have learned about writing a vignette. I learned that a vignette is short piece of writing that can't be more than 800 words. I also learned that it allows before to get the feeling that they are with you in nature from your description of where you are or what you see. It also uses all five senses of human beings to describe it. Also that a successful vignette must evoke emotions.

The picture I used for my practice vignette 
Here is my practice vignette.

On a sunny beautiful day
With winter around the corner
Fish swimming in the river
Waiting to be snaked on
The big brown bear awaits

Water falling in the creek
So smooth like a piece of glass
Clear like crystals in the mountains
With sounds like the Victoria falls on a chilly day
The big brown bear still awaits

Big, large mountains  around
Covered with pure white snow
With a high peak shaped like a pencil tip
Looks like i can see tomorrow standing on it
The big brown bear awaits.

Tall trees with big leaves
Fresh air and slow wind like a turtle.

Here is my vignette:

Be kind to the frogs
And don't call them names
The frog that we found at Cox
As slimy and more
Or like ugly frogs
Or frog gone wrong
They are just sensitive

Of course they are slimy
But they help with the environment
Keep the ecosystem moving
The web chain going
Please, don't hurt them.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Day 6

Today we went Kayaking and Hiking. We did this at the Eastwood MetroPark. Here we were able kayak and hike. Each person was in his or her own Kayak. We also hiked before kayaking although some group did it first. But before this, we first read "The Ponds" by Henry David Thoreau. This reading included observations, meaning, and delivery. Then after that we were asked to compose our own writing that include Observations, meaning, and delivery from what we did today. I was also able to conquer one of my fears, I have never been in a boat. Here is my writing.

We kayaked in a large man made pond in Eastwood MetroPark. The water was smooth like glass window on a chilly, cloudy, day. The water was also as cold as ice, especially cold when a group of hikers splashed water with their long two sided paddles on each other. It was surprising that I never fell in the water because the kayak would tip over to the side each time I puddled. It was scary as being in a big, dark cave. But I got hold of it right after I had my puddling lesson.

I was glad i wasn't the only one who had never kayaked. We practised together like ants building their hills. We practiced going slow like turtles and fast like cheetahs. We could also turn left and right by the way we maneuvered our paddles. We also kayaked backwards. This seemed like a lion getting ready to fight it's opponent. The cloudy sky made the water look more threatening that if it had been a bright, new, sunny day.

This activity helped me make connections to my classmates because every time we bumped into each other we would talk. The whole trip was as a fun as a barrel of monkeys.

Wild Strawberry 
My group walking back after the hike 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Day 5

Today we started off with watching Cheryl Strayed who walked 1100 miles which 94 days. As we were watching her clip, we had to write down what she took with her on the trail. planned for a hike. Each group had to pick find where to hike, when, and how long the trip will be.

For my group we planned on going to the Great Himalaya Trail. It will be in the summer and will be 923 miles long which is 47 days.
Tying out the weight of our materials

Here are some of the things that we decided to take on our trip :

Kenetic charger flashlight+radio
Tent 4x
Rubix Cube
Solar oven
Toilet Paper
First Aid
Climbing Ropes
Sleeping Bag
Sunscreen and Bug Spray
The following materials added up to 67.35 pounds.