Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Day 6

Today we went Kayaking and Hiking. We did this at the Eastwood MetroPark. Here we were able kayak and hike. Each person was in his or her own Kayak. We also hiked before kayaking although some group did it first. But before this, we first read "The Ponds" by Henry David Thoreau. This reading included observations, meaning, and delivery. Then after that we were asked to compose our own writing that include Observations, meaning, and delivery from what we did today. I was also able to conquer one of my fears, I have never been in a boat. Here is my writing.

We kayaked in a large man made pond in Eastwood MetroPark. The water was smooth like glass window on a chilly, cloudy, day. The water was also as cold as ice, especially cold when a group of hikers splashed water with their long two sided paddles on each other. It was surprising that I never fell in the water because the kayak would tip over to the side each time I puddled. It was scary as being in a big, dark cave. But I got hold of it right after I had my puddling lesson.

I was glad i wasn't the only one who had never kayaked. We practised together like ants building their hills. We practiced going slow like turtles and fast like cheetahs. We could also turn left and right by the way we maneuvered our paddles. We also kayaked backwards. This seemed like a lion getting ready to fight it's opponent. The cloudy sky made the water look more threatening that if it had been a bright, new, sunny day.

This activity helped me make connections to my classmates because every time we bumped into each other we would talk. The whole trip was as a fun as a barrel of monkeys.

Wild Strawberry 
My group walking back after the hike 

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